Amrita Choudhury
Founder of NRITYOGA®, Choreographer, BA(Anthropology), RYT Montreal, Canada Personal website 514-768-9711

Amrita Choudhury brings more than 35 years of international experience in teaching and performance. Born in India, she travels globally offering workshops and performances. Amrita was educated in Santiniketan (Abode of Peace) India, where the yogic arts was an integral part of education & everyday life.
Amrita is the founder of NRITYOGA® – Yoga of Dance, a discipline that combines multiple paths of Yoga/meditation and sacred dance, for healing and well being. She also specializes in Mudra Vigyan and Yogic philosophy, related to the healing arts of ancient India.
Amrita uses movement as a therapeutic tool for healing and has worked in hospitals, and for doctors. Her work is greatly influenced by the Tantric, Vaishnava and the Bhakti traditions.
Some of her notable presentations are TED Talks, CBC Television, History Channel, and multiple yoga conferences.
Amrita carries a degree in Anthropology, and is a respected Yoga-Dance researcher and teacher. She believes that yoga in all it’s forms are ancient philosophies of life in graceful motion, accessible to all.
Amrita feels blessed to be carrying onwards the wisdom of her own ancestral lineages to the world community.

Friday 4:00-6:00pm

Mudra Vigyan (Healing Yoga Mudras)
Mudra Vigyan is the science of healing through Mudras, sacred hand positions. Each finger represents the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether. Touching upon the hundreds of nerve endings which influence the whole body at the cellular and atomic level; this practice nourishes the body, mind & spirit, and aids in healing.
Dive deep into this meditation/visualization practice, in order to connect to your own inner wisdom, and the power of well being.
Amrita will guide you through various mudras in combination with pranayama, mantras, & visualization techniques, leading to a state of deep rest and serenity.

Audience Level : All levels
Intensity of Practice 3
10% asana, 20% lecture, 60% meditation, 10% pranayama

Saturday 2:00-3:45pm

Nrityoga® – Yoga of Dance
Experience the ecstatic, joyful, and profound aspect of Sacred dance/yoga of the Shakti, Bhakti, Tantric, & Gyana Yoga traditions of Nrityoga®!
Delve back into a timeless era of the ancient yoginis and yogis of Indian temples, who’s Yoga and Dance practices changed the vibration of this world.
A compassionate, loving and joyful path of unlocking one’s inner beauty, grace and wisdom.
Class structure:
– Nrityoga® mudras (sacred hand gestures)
– Nrityoga® movements
– Nrityoga® meditation in Motion

Audience Level: All levels
Intensity of Practice 1-7
70%Yoga-Dance asana, 10% lecture, 10% meditation, 10% pranayama

Sunday 2:30-4:00pm

Energetic Anatomy
Delve deep into a state of stillness and calm through the exploration of  Koshas (layers of one being), Chakras (seven energy centers), and Nadis (energy channels).
This class will commence with yogic philosophy of the energetic anatomy, and slowly transition into a deep and profound visualization practice related to our sheaths and energy centers. This session will aid in deepening one’s understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of prana (the life force), bringing the body and mind into a state of pure consciousness.

Audience Level: All levels</siv
Intensity of Practice : 1

30% lecture, 60% meditation, 10% pranayama