Lavanga Schlettte

Lavanga’s professional and spiritual lives have always been intertwined. She is a native Texan who at 8 years old began questioning the religious construct she was born into. During her teen years in the 1980s, she became fascinated with a vegetarian lifestyle, practiced yoga in her bedroom, began studying Vedic philosophy, and started reading tarot professionally. Her love of holistic bodywork began in 1994 and since then has become a Reiki Master, massage therapist, practitioner of Eastern healing modalities, and in 2012 she became a 200-hour registered yoga teacher. After being initiated into a Bhakti yoga lineage in 2004, in 2011 she began offering classes in the Bhagavad Gita, leading kirtan, officiating Vedic fire ceremonies and representing her tradition in interfaith communities.

In 2018, Lavanga discovered a passion for Vedic Astrology and became certified in 2022. What she loves the most about Jyotish is that its practice allows her to integrate all of the knowledge and skills she has acquired over the past 35+ years in an exciting and practical way.

Vedic Astrology is also known as Jyotish – “the science of light.” Its roots lie in the same ancient texts from India which birthed its sister sciences of spiritual healing – Yoga and Ayurveda.

We incarnate when the planets arrange in accordance with our karmic lessons. The Vedic Astrology chart is a portrait of the pattern of our karma – the history of our soul and its progress so far. Let’s take this cosmic journey together!

At the Texas Yoga Retreat, Lavanga will be offering readings for attendees in order to add to their retreat experience.

Astrology readings (for those needing birth times, they will be calculated at the time of the reading):
Nakshatra Oracle reading: this uses a card deck based on Vedic Astrology principles which is shuffled and read in a similar manner to tarot. This reading can be a general one, or specific questions can be answered. No birth information is needed for this reading.

Lunar Goddess reading: this reading is based on the lunar day you were born and gives insight into your emotional life and relationships. An approximate birth time is sufficient for this reading.

Complete chart and/or transit reading: a wide array of topics can be explored in this type of reading – personal insight, spiritual practices, health, career, etc. Past, present and future planetary transits/cycles with specific dates can be explored. For these readings, an accurate birth time is needed.

Tarot readings
Tarot readings can offer guidance and insight into past, present or future situations. Several deck options are available.

Astrology + Tarot readings
Any astrology reading can be paired with tarot, which can give further insight and nuance into answering questions or understanding situations.

Cost for all readings:
$55 – ½ hour
$100 – 1 hour

Payments accepted: Cash, Venmo, Zelle, PayPal

To book the time in advance schedule it here

She will be available during these times:
Saturday, October 19th
10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Sunday, October 20th
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

If you have any questions regarding these readings beforehand, feel free to email her at


Facebook/IG: Lavanga Latika